Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Rhetorical Strategies, Group Project
Monday, April 27, 2009
Group roles
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Editorial Arguments Portfolio, Author's Note
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Humorous Piece Author's Note
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Humorous Argument
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Humorous Example
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Author's Note
Holly Buechner
Monday, April 6, 2009
Op-Ed Prewriting
2) In my opinion piece I would like to target the issue of academic misconduct and academic integrity within the community of college professors. After reading and hearing about Ward Churchill and the controversy surrounding his time at the University of Colorado at Boulder, it is a difficult task for a college student to look at his or her professors with the same sense of respect. This has nothing to do with that specific professor but more to do with the pedestal that Churchill smashed. After hearing about what he has done, it would be foolish for students and administrators alike not to look into cases of possible academic misconduct in their own community. I find the matter to be of great importance and that is why I chose this aspect as the basis of my own opinion piece.
3) I would like to show my readers how important the issue of academic misconduct truly is in our lives. It affects more than just the students. Plagiarism from a professor not only cheats the students but also cheats society as a whole because the young adults that will soon be running businesses and creating policies are not getting the best education that they possibly could. I would like to show how vital it is to society that we have trustworthy individuals educating the up and coming leaders. I would also like to discuss a possible solution to the current cases of academic misconduct. This would be a "zero-tolerance" sort of policy that would override tenures and other barriers.
4) The most effective appeals for my audience will be appeals to logos and pathos. The type of pathos that I will use will be one that gives the readers a sense of urgency and concern for the future of America and the students at our institutions of higher learning. I will do some research on the specifics of a tenure and the sorts of policies that are currently in place to prevent academic misconduct from teachers and students.
5) Facts and personal experience are most likely going to be helpful to me in writing this article. I also think that including an opinion from an administrator from another university would be helpful, as they are another authority on the matter. The facts that I use will aid readers in understanding the tenure process and the importance of quality education.
6) I will research the tenure policies of the University of Colorado at Boulder as well as the policies of Texas Christian University. I may also research the number of cases of academic misconduct across the United States and look at how those cases were handled.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Letter to the Editor
To the Editor:
In a recent Denver Post article, titled Vincent Carroll: Ward's world of brazen claims, author Vincent Carroll discusses the ways in which Ward Churchill’s trial is unnecessary and ridiculous. This article, published on March 25, 2009, points out how the media is treating the trial as if the public is not already convinced that Churchill is crazy at best. Rather than seeing the case for the laughing matter that it truly is, we are trying to take it seriously. I agree with the author of this article in saying that the trial is a joke and taking it seriously would display poor judgment on the part of local readers.
I am from Boulder, Colorado where the University of Colorado is based and from which Ward Churchill was fired. My grandfather is a former president of the University, my father a former employee and my brother a current student. I have grown up going to Buff games and cheering for the Buffaloes every chance that I get. I have always been impressed by the success of the University and the academic prestige that follows. Despite the common claims that Boulder is inhabited entirely by left wing hippies, there are some who err on the side of conservative thought. As a member of this small and stubborn few, I know that my definitions of ‘liberal’ and ‘radical’ are not as lenient as some. So I must inform you that I am not alone in my opinions and that many of my traditionally liberal friends agree with me on this matter. It is also important to note that some of the most educated opinions come from Boulder, as right or left wing as they may be. I was not alone in my shock when I heard the kinds of things coming from Ward Churchill and was appalled that he was able to receive any sort of support after making a farce of an entire racial group and compromising the academic integrity of an esteemed university through plagiarism, or as he calls it, “ghostwriting.”
For Churchill to think that he could be reestablished as an educator or a trustworthy scholar after proving to be none of the above is ridiculous. As a college student, I serve as a witness to the academic integrity being upheld by my professors. We are taught to trust their work and their ‘professional opinion,’ but with professors like Ward Churchill in play, we must take a step back and question what we are being taught and the source from which it is coming. If there is any good thing to come of this trial, it is this. College students have learned that professors cannot always be trusted with the pedestals on which they are placed. The collegiate community as a whole is not supporting the actions of this man, but rather is supporting the decisions of the University administration to revoke his position on their tenured staff list. His trial should be fruitless from his perspective and should confirm the actions of the University. We, in the world of academia, are standing behind integrity, respect and quality education systems, and our stance will not be compromised.
Holly Buechner
Monday, March 30, 2009
Discussion of Article
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Possible Topic for Letter to Editor
Unit 2 Portfolio Author's Note
Monday, March 23, 2009
Development of Rhetorical Case Study
Monday, March 9, 2009
My Case Study and the Community
Author's Note, Rhetorical Case Study Draft
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Preparation of Body Paragraphs
Monday, March 2, 2009
Connections between sources
So far, the sources that I have seen are connected by their support for Michael Phelps despite his recent run in with the law. A couple of sources have called this a “non issue” and are trying to get it put in the past as quickly as possible. I have seen a little bit of denial within the community as well through these sources. Some sources are saying that the photo was “allegedly” taken and that he may have been pictured with drug paraphernalia but was not actually smoking pot. Most of the sources are making an attempt to keep this issue as small as possible and not let it get out of hand.
Summary/Controlling Idea
The media is supportive of Michael Phelps, despite his recent photograph with a marijuana pipe, and most would like to see the buzz fade around this issue rather than see it get even larger. They are trying to encourage the general public that the issue with Phelps is not a big deal.
Order of Sources
*Intro* introduce the way we view athletic heroes/superstars, responsibilities that come along with that, tell the story of what happened (could use the statement source here), concerns this might raise in the general public, get into the media’s viewpoint
1. Olympic Hero in Times Square (showing original view of Phelps, post Olympics)
2. Phelps Sorry for Regrettable Behavior (original statement)
3. Phelps Backed by Sponsors (little change in view of Phelps)
4. Additional Source in support of Phelps (either the pastor or police commentary)
*Conclusion* Review the ways in which the issue was presented within each source, do a bit of analysis of how affective the media’s argument has been in the lives of the public.
Justification of chosen organizational methods
I will organize my paper sort of like a narrative. The story itself has developed over time and our view of Michael Phelps has developed overtime as well, so by writing the paper in this same way, I will be connecting it to the bigger picture. I think that it will work well to describe how he was viewed pre-incident, describe the incident itself using his statement, and then go into the reactions of different sources to the incident. The sources themselves are pretty similar. They are all in support of the athlete, but they portray the incident in slightly different ways.
The transition from source one to source two will be one reminding the reader of how the media and public viewed Phelps going into the incident.
The transition from source two to three will be one that makes the reader interested in how Michael’s sponsors reacted to his actions.
The transition from source three to four will be one that makes the reader interested in seeing another point of view on Michael’s actions.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Throughout the research process my opinion on the matter of Michael Phelps being photographed smoking marijuana has changed in a couple of ways. While not approving of his actions, I have come to a place of greater understanding. I have also come to view this occurrence as a smaller issue than I originally did.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Pre-Writing for Primary Source Workshop
Source 1: This is a primary source because it is an interview with Michael Phelps directly and is not any sort of analysis on the interview. I chose this source because the questions asked by the interviewers are very telling of the media's view of Michael post Olympic success. This source is about Michael and his life and success at the 2008 Olympic games in Beijing. It talks about Michael's up and coming endorsements that he is receiving as well. Light-hearted humor is put to use in this source as it is trying to humanize the champion who seems untouchable to the masses.
Source 2: This is a primary source because it is a statement made by Michael himself and not by anyone there or anyone who heard about it. It is simply the statement that he gave the press. I chose this source because it had potential to give a reason for a change in the media's view of Phelps. What he said was very important to his image on many levels. In the source, Phelps addresses the photograph of him smoking marijuana and assures the public that it will never happen again. The strategies combine to reassure people that he is still a good guy and can be a role model.
Source 3: This is a primary source as it is simply giving factual information about Phelps' sponsors rather than analyzing why they are or are not backing him after this incident. It is a report straight from the sponsors. I chose this source because the idea of losing sponsors was and is very important to Phelps as a result of his actions. This source is about two of the leading sponsors of Michael's career that are standing by him even though he acted in the way that he did. The article is short and uses that to its advantage here. It shows that there is little need for discussion and debate over the matter and that it can be cleared up and left alone.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Research Process
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Unit 2 Topic
Monday, February 16, 2009
Author's Note
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Workshop Comments
Monday, February 9, 2009
Author's Note
Author’s Note:
This is my first draft, written during two different sittings, which is pretty noticeable I think. I would really appreciate a balance of things that you think I have done well here and things that I need to improve upon. I am planning on going back through and focusing more on the actual arguments themselves and intertwining them into the paper. Also any grammatical errors or anything that you find and want to point out would be great! Thanks so much!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Meaning and Audience
Monday, February 2, 2009
Observation Notes
* Thursday afternoon, 4:30 pm, full but not overwhelmed
* The Employees
o Eccentric, one wearing a hat, one with multi colored hair, one au naturale
o Very friendly
* Customers
o Pairs of girls doing Bible Study
o Groups of students studying
o Singles studying
o Couples on date
o Most order a beverage or snack and either wait by the pick up area or find a table
o “Granola”-natural, new agey
o Business men, or man
* Ambiance
o Soft lighting
o Cozy environment
o Painted to look like a European café
o Fire place is real, brick mantle
o Wood beams on the ceiling
* Set up
o Signs directing to cashier and pick up area
o Tables set w/ aisles
o Couches around fire place
o Window area, risen, smaller tables and different chairs
§ More intimate setting than rest of establishment
* Marketing
o Colorful signs, look exotic
o Simple and fun
o Relaxed writing style but sophisticated
o Two message boards present
§ One w/ suggestions or comments on colorful notes
§ One w/ advertisements for the community
Eurotazza Observation 2 Notes:
* Friday Afternoon, 4:30 pm, PACKED. Last day of business
* Employees
o More employees than on a usual day, full staff present for the last day
o Child of owner writing down orders
* Customers
o Great variety of ages, styles and opinions represented
o Lots of conversation, loud atmosphere today
o Many customers wearing Eurotazza paraphernalia
o Everyone orders something
o Pictures being taken
* Set up/Ambiance
o Empty display cases, running low or almost out of everything
o Busy and less relaxing, more anxious environment
Arguments of Fact and Definition
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Space Proposal

The space that I am proposing to observe and write my essay on is the Eurotazza Coffeehouse on Camp Bowie. I'm choosing this space because it is unique and a stimulating environment.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Favorite spaces

There are a couple of places with in my local communities that I would consider to be "my own." They are "mine" for different reasons, but also because they revolve around relationships or meaningful times in my own life. For example, in Boulder there is an outdoor mall called Pearl Street. One of my favorite places to eat on Pearl Street is Illegal Pete's. The food is great but that is not the only reason why I love it. I went there at least once a week throughout high school to eat lunch with friends. The conversations that we had at "our table" and the memories that I have from there are what make Illegal Pete's so special to me.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Pathos Ethos and Logos

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Chapter 1 Response
I thought that the line drawn between persuasion and argument was too fine. I think that they are really one in the same, especially if everything is an argument. I also had a hard time thinking of everything as an argument because the word "argument" has a bit of a negative connotation. While decision making skills can be thought of as an argument, according to this chapter, I have a hard time labeling them as such. I suppose that I have more resistance to the word "argument" itself than I do toward actually viewing everything as argument.
Monday, January 12, 2009
First Post
Hi everyone, my name is Holly and I'm from Boulder, Colorado. I am a sophomore at TCU and I'm majoring in Speech and Language Pathology and minoring in Spanish. I love TCU and am involved with many different organizations on campus such as a sorority, Soul Steppers, the Honors Program and more. I listen to a million different kinds of music, and will listen to anything at least once. My favorite TV shows are The Office, Lost, 24 and the King of Queens, although I am always open to more suggestions. My favorite movie of all time is Remember the Titans. I am a big fan of musicals and "feel good" movies as well. I love to read and can totally get lost wandering around Barnes and Noble.
This blog is a part of my Sophomore Composition English class. I'm taking this English class because it is required, but I am looking forward to the class in general. I enjoy writing and think that I will be able to strengthen my writing skills on many different levels by taking this course.
Writing is a pretty big part of my world. I am often texting friends or family, especially since I am far from home. Text messaging and emails are great methods of communication for me, because it allows a conversation to be had at a convenient time for everyone involved. I don't think that an email or text can take the place of a phone call however, but for the sake of speed and efficiency in communication, it will do. I also journal a lot. Journaling is my way of getting my thoughts and emotions on paper in order to better understand them. It helps me to clear my mind and see things in a different light. Instead of getting overwhelmed, I have found that problems often don't seem as bad when you see them written on paper. Writing on facebook is also a common method of communication between my friends and I. It is rarely personal, but is a small connection with what is going on in the worlds of my friends. So overall, I consider writing a release and a concise means of communication. I feel that information can be passed on much more clearly and efficiently in writing.
I am a member of many different communities, all of which have impacted who I am today. I am originally from Boulder, Colorado, and I love it. Boulder is a very unique town and the people are a very ecclectic breed. What I enjoy most about Boulder is the laid back lifestyle. I am a pretty easy going girl and I enjoy taking things at my own pace, one day at a time. I feel at home in Boulder, and enjoy hiking and running in the mountains.