Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Space Proposal

The space that I am proposing to observe and write my essay on is the Eurotazza Coffeehouse on Camp Bowie. I'm choosing this space because it is unique and a stimulating environment.
I plan on observing on Thursday and Friday of this week in the afternoons.
I expect to learn about the people that come there and the different "cultures" represented. I already think that I will probably see representatives from a hippie/new age culture, along with businessmen and women and plenty of college students.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Favorite spaces

There are a couple of places with in my local communities that I would consider to be "my own." They are "mine" for different reasons, but also because they revolve around relationships or meaningful times in my own life. For example, in Boulder there is an outdoor mall called Pearl Street. One of my favorite places to eat on Pearl Street is Illegal Pete's. The food is great but that is not the only reason why I love it. I went there at least once a week throughout high school to eat lunch with friends. The conversations that we had at "our table" and the memories that I have from there are what make Illegal Pete's so special to me. 
There is also a specific trail that I hiked over the summer and although it has been trod by many, I would still call it mine. I like how small and insignificant I feel standing at the base of a mountain and then the free feeling that comes from standing in an open space atop it is one of my favorite feelings in the world. 
When it comes to spaces in Fort Worth that are representative of the local "flavor," one place in particular comes to mind. Eurotazza Coffeehouse is a local coffee shop modeled after a European cafe. The Taz, as we call it, is a perfect place for studying alone or with friends, or relaxing after a day of class or tests. In fact, I am writing this blog from a table in Eurotazza while drinking a chai tea latte. Sadly, the Taz is closing this week due to the economy. I know that I am not the only one of my friends who is saddened by this, and the faces of everyone walking into the store are sad as they read the sign posted about their closing. It is a local space that has become a second home in a way for many of us.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Pathos Ethos and Logos

I chose a component of the ONE Campaign as my example of pathos, ethos and logos in argument. The ONE blog utilizes all three of these to make the most convincing argument possible. 

The most recent post in the blog uses a video, made by Bono, thanking supporters for their efforts thus far and giving a bit of insight to what is to come in the future of the ONE campaign and its cause. Because the video features Bono, the lead singer of the band U2 and co-founder of the ONE campaign, readers are more likely to listen to what he has to say and to support his cause. This appeals to ethos, because readers know or have heard of the character of Bono and are therefore more likely to trust him.

Further down on the page you will see articles with numerous statistics and facts, from credible sources (the UNICEF report). This combines the use of ethos and logos. The statistics are too glaringly raw for people not to be moved to consideration of support for the ONE campaign. 

If you continue to read you will find pictures of children that are being helped by the ONE campaign. This is an example of pathos. Moving pictures of adorable children convince the reader that the cause is worthy. 

This blog does a very good job of promoting its cause, ending poverty, by using arguments appealing to pathos, ethos and logos.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Chapter 1 Response

Chapter one showed that everything in society today can be viewed as an argument. I had never thought of arguments in the way that this chapter suggests. It says that an argument isn't always intended to be "won" but could rather be an invitation for exploration. This idea of argument with yourself and your own thoughts rather than with others of differing perspectives was a bit confusing to me at first. I thought that an argument had to be held between two or more people, groups, etc. but this chapter showed me that it can be as simple as comparing different thoughts in your own mind.

I thought that the line drawn between persuasion and argument was too fine. I think that they are really one in the same, especially if everything is an argument. I also had a hard time thinking of everything as an argument because the word "argument" has a bit of a negative connotation. While decision making skills can be thought of as an argument, according to this chapter, I have a hard time labeling them as such. I suppose that I have more resistance to the word "argument" itself than I do toward actually viewing everything as argument.

Monday, January 12, 2009

First Post

Hi everyone, my name is Holly and I'm from Boulder, Colorado. I am a sophomore at TCU and I'm majoring in Speech and Language Pathology and minoring in Spanish. I love TCU and am involved with many different organizations on campus such as a sorority, Soul Steppers, the Honors Program and more. I listen to a million different kinds of music, and will listen to anything at least once. My favorite TV shows are The Office, Lost, 24 and the King of Queens, although I am always open to more suggestions. My favorite movie of all time is Remember the Titans. I am a big fan of musicals and "feel good" movies as well. I love to read and can totally get lost wandering around Barnes and Noble. 

This blog is a part of my Sophomore Composition English class. I'm taking this English class because it is required, but I am looking forward to the class in general. I enjoy writing and think that I will be able to strengthen my writing skills on many different levels by taking this course.

Writing is a pretty big part of my world. I am often texting friends or family, especially since I am far from home. Text messaging and emails are great methods of communication for me, because it allows a conversation to be had at a convenient time for everyone involved. I don't think that an email or text can take the place of a phone call however, but for the sake of speed and efficiency in communication, it will do. I also journal a lot. Journaling is my way of getting my thoughts and emotions on paper in order to better understand them. It helps me to clear my mind and see things in a different light. Instead of getting overwhelmed, I have found that problems often don't seem as bad when you see them written on paper. Writing on facebook is also a common method of communication between my friends and I. It is rarely personal, but is a small connection with what is going on in the worlds of my friends. So overall, I consider writing a release and a concise means of communication. I feel that information can be passed on much more clearly and efficiently in writing.

I am a member of many different communities, all of which have impacted who I am today. I am originally from Boulder, Colorado, and I love it. Boulder is a very unique town and the people are a very ecclectic breed. What I enjoy most about Boulder is the laid back lifestyle. I am a pretty easy going girl and I enjoy taking things at my own pace, one day at a time. I feel at home in Boulder, and enjoy hiking and running in the mountains. 

I graduated from a small, charter school about 20 minutes outside of Boulder. Being a small school, with a graduating class of 48, we formed our own community. This community was one of labels. I  was labeled as the athlete and smart girl. This community was formative for me as well, because of the amount of time I spent in it. Some of my best friends are from this community. 

As a member of the TCU community I have been influenced in many ways. This community is much different than my home in the sense that it is more structured and public. The people of TCU are more friendly and outgoing than those in Boulder, for the most part. Being a part of this community has made me more of an individual, as I have had to make choices that might have otherwise been decided for me at home. I have become a stronger person because of this. 

I am a member of Eta Iota Sigma, which is another community in which I am involved. This is by far the most tight-knit community of which I am a member. Many of the girls in my sorority are my closest and dearest friends, making the sorority a source of great encouragement and support in all seasons of life. I was recently in a horrible car accident which resulted in 3 surgeries on my feet and knee. My sorority sisters provided me with undeserved support every day. 

If this blog is indeed an argument in itself, I suppose that it is arguing who I am. The colors that I chose reflect my personality and are trying to portray my "image" to the readers and win their acceptance in a way. However, it is also an example of "invitational argument" because I am inviting readers to explore my ideas and thoughts and compare them with their own. This blog is a way for my thoughts and ideas to be presented to the world. I suppose that it is argumentative in nature because I am willing to defend and stand behind my ideas as I present them to readers. By adding a picture of the mountains that are by my house to this post I am also arguing that my home is a beautiful place and wanting others to see that and agree with me. My introduction argues that I am an open and social person by sharing my interests and preferences to many different things. So I am arguing on my own behalf and on the behalf of my opinions through this blog.

*I have read the syllabus and agree to the conditions and terms of this class.